Sri Lanka Accounting and Auditing Standards Monitoring Board (SLAASMB) obtained undertakings from five specified business enterprises (SBEs) to make corrections in the financial statements. These undertakings resulted in corrections to net profits/equity amounting to Rs. 1.1 billion.
Further, a direction was issued to a Licensed Commercial Bank to make certain adjustments with the implementation of SLFRS 9 and to disclose the said fact in the interim financial statements with the object of presenting a true and fair view.
Types of items for which the undertakings were obtained along with reference to the Sri Lanka Accounting Standards (Prefixed SLFRS/ LKAS) not complied with by the SBEs are as follows.
Departures from Sri Lanka Accounting Standards detected, which were material, but not significant as to require the use of procedure using statutory provisions, were informed to the Specified Business Enterprises (SBEs), by letter, without extensive inquiries, so that the SBEs could, where necessary, take corrective action on their own. Such letters not being directions issued by SLAASMB, are intended to be letters of assistance.
The main findings relating to which letters of assistance were sent to the SBEs are set out below.