Sri Lanka Accounting and Auditing Standards Monitoring Board


The Board consists of 3 ex-officio members and 10 members appointed by the Minister of Finance out of nominations received from identified institutions. Registrar General of Companies, Commissioner General of Inland Revenue and Director General of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka are the ex-officio members. The appointed members are nominees from the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, CA Sri Lanka (3 members), Sri Lanka Division of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants of UK, Bar Association of Sri Lanka, Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Banks’ Association and University Grants Commission. The term of office of a member is four years.


Deputy Governor,
Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Mrs. K M A N DaulagalaFCMA (UK), MBA (USJ),MSc in Financial and Business Economics (University of Essex, UK)

Ex Officio Members

Registrar General of Companies Mr. S DissanyakeLLM, Attorney-at-Law
Commissioner General
Department of Inland Revenue

Ms. W A S Chandrasekara

B Sc Busi Admin(USJP), MA in Econ (UoK)

Director General
Securities and Exchange
Commission of Sri Lanka
Mr. C Mendis Attorney-at-Law

Appointed Members

The Institute of
Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka
(CA Sri Lanka)

Mr. K A Heshana Kuruppu

FCA, MBA Fin Econ (Col), B Sc Acc. Sp. (USJP), MBA Bank and Fin (USJP)

President – CA Sri Lanka

Group Finance Director – David Pieris Holdings (Pvt) Ltd

Mr. Tishan H Subasinghe

FCA, FCMA, FMAAT, CISA, Attorney-at-Law, LLB (Hons.), MBA Fin (Col)

Vice President – CA Sri Lanka,

Managing Director – Moore Consulting (Pvt) Ltd,

Partner – Moore Aiyar

Mr. S M S S Bandara

FCA, MBA (Col.),  B.Sc (Acc. and Fin. Management) (USJP)

Immediate past President – CA Sri Lanka,

Partner – B R De Silva & Company 

Chartered Institute of
Management Accountants
of UK
(CIMA – Sri Lanka Division)

Mr. M Amarasiri

MBA, FCMA, CGMA, B.Sc (Eng) Hons, MIEE

Group Chief Financial Officer- ACL Cables PLC

Bar Association of Sri Lanka To be Appointed
Ceylon Chamber of Commerce

Ms. R M R D Rajapaksa


Independent Non-executive Director and

an Independent Financial Consultant

Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka (FCCISL) To be Appointed
Sri Lanka Banks’ Association

Ms. A U Delage

ACA, ACMA (UK), CGMA, B. Sc. Accountancy Sp. (USJP) 

Assistant General Manager / Chief Financial Officer –

Hatton National Bank PLC

University Grants Commission To be Appointed
Secretary Secretarius (Pvt) Ltd


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Contact Us

Sri Lanka Accounting and Auditing Standards Monitoring Board
3rd floor Bible House Building,
293 Galle Road, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka

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